

Aug 14, 2023

Find your authentic path with GU recreation and the great outdoors

Staff Writer

Sometimes finding your community means moving away from the path.

There seems to be this preconceived notion that the entire population of Gonzaga, combined with the Spokane Community as a whole, are all hipsters who love to spend time outside.

Like most assumptions, this is false. Seattle and Portland are also full of these people. This area of the country is crawling with them.

All jokes aside, it is entirely okay if you are not the type who always wants to be outside and one with nature. It is true that many people here at Gonzaga like to get up with the sun and are more likely than not to be outside exploring all the nature that the Inland Northwest has to offer.

With that being said, however, don’t lose your cool if going on a hike is not your cup of tea; it’s not my first choice, either.

Lucky for you, here is a list of ways to try and fit in around GU that don’t involve being the outdoorsy type.

Please note that the following list can apply to everyone, even if you consider yourself a Patagonia-wearing hipster. I hope no offense is taken.

Before all else, join a club. The club fair is a great place to go if you know you want to be a part of something but don’t know where to start. The Center for Student Involvement is also an excellent resource.

Don’t be scared to sign up for a club you know nothing about but find fascinating, or sign up for a club’s email list and never attend a meeting. We’ve all done that before. Don’t worry — you won’t be the first, and you won’t be the last.

Speaking of finding a club to join, ensure you don’t embarrass yourself by pretending you know everything about Gonzaga Athletics while wearing a Kennel Club shirt. And no, you do not have to sign up to be a member if you want to attend a basketball game.

College is all about self-discovery and growing as a person. I’m sure that most graduating seniors would tell you that they are not the same person who started here.

Don’t be scared to be yourself. The old saying “fake it till you make it” doesn’t quite work once you’re in a college environment. It’s hard to find yourself stuck in a toxic friend group just because you pretended to be someone you aren’t.

And while your parents might’ve warned you about peer pressure, especially in high school, don’t sweat it. You don’t have to participate in the party scene just to be considered "cool."

Even if you would rather be inside on a rainy day, snuggled up and reading a good book, I highly recommend exploring Spokane and all the city has to offer. There are a lot of hidden gems in the Lilac City, and you won’t know they are there unless you go out and look for them.

And finally, you are not always required to be fitted in Patagonia apparel. That would be considered overkill in my book, and besides, you would be spending money on clothes you won’t wear in the first place. Better off to go spend that same amount of money at the Zagshop getting swag.

Wearing a black North Face jacket during the winter months, however, will make you look like a true Zag. Invest in a good rain jacket, but not an umbrella.

After everything I’ve said about the best ways to try and fit in around here, it all comes down to being your authentic self.

Caroline Slack is a staff writer. Follow her on X: @carolineslack13.

Staff Writer